Dear Dear RCC Supporter: Taking down Goliath is no easy feat, but with the help of dedicated supporters of environmental justice like you, David may have a chance. This month, we put out our third major report on the wood pellet biomass industry, calling out industry giants like Enviva and Drax for their crimes against public health, the environment, and the climate. Greenwashing: A Report on the Corporate Selling of Polluting Wood Pellet Production sheds light on the wood pellet industry’s blatant disregard for the health of vulnerable communities whose air they have polluted with volatile organic compounds and other illness-inducing toxins. Their unrepentant clear-cutting of Southeastern US forests destroys our greatest natural defense against atmospheric greenhouse gases. Then they lie about it. Their manipulation of legislation, marketing schemes, certification, and the language of carbon neutrality is designed to fool the public and policy makers. That’s called greenwashing. Greenwashing by the Enviva and Drax corporations has allowed them to grow rapidly in size and wealth over the last few decades – while worsening our simultaneous crises of climate, ecosystems, and public health. We are running out of time. We cannot allow these polluting industries to work their misleading magic on the public and policymakers. The Rachel Carson Council is calling out these profiteers of environmental collapse, producing compelling research on their transgressions and lies, and holding them to account. Will you stand with us in exposing Enviva and Drax greenwashing and holding them to account? We will keep up the work of naming and shaming. We will continue to call for tough rules to regulate the industry’s emissions, to enforce requirements for public input and testing, and to implement substantial penalties for noncompliance. Right now, we are sharing our findings with government agencies, on the Hill, in state houses, with the media and with the public. But to keep doing all that, we need your help. The Rachel Carson Council relies on grassroots support from committed small donors like you. Every investment you make in the RCC goes toward combating environmental injustice. As we said, we are David in this battle against the corporate polluting Goliaths. And with you on our side, we have a fighting chance! P.S. Thank you for all you do for our forests, our climate, and the Rachel Carson Council. Please ask your friends, neighbors and colleagues to join with us. And to help you in your efforts, just click below for a complimentary copy of Greenwashing. You’ve earned it! |