Orchard Oriole Fun Facts A favorite habitat is along river edges where they nest in groups often in the same tree. It's the smallest of North America’s orioles Orchard Orioles eat nectar and pollen from flowers making them a valuable pollinator species. They make friendly neighbors nesting close to other oriole species as well as kingbirds, robins and sparrows. Orchard Orioles were originally misidentified as female Baltimore Orioles. They will sometimes visit nectar feeders. Orchard Orioles migrate at night. Its obsolete English name is ochre oriole. The female weaves the open cup-nest from grasses, and lines it with fine grass, plant down, and feathers. Females are olive-yellow overall with no black on the head or back. A group of orioles is known as a "harvest." Click here to watch Orchard Orioles enjoy some fine dining. Click here to listen to it song. |