Greater Roadrunner - Ross Feldner Famous as a cartoon character who always outwits the coyote, this speedy runner hits 20 mph or faster in spurts. Instantly recognizable by its large crest and long tail the roadrunner will hunt by walking rapidly and then making a fast final dash to catch its prey which includes reptiles, rodents, large insects and even scorpions and tarantulas. Yum! The Greater Roadrunner lives mostly in desert climes and brushy country from California to Texas although at the edges of its range it can be found in dry grasslands and the edges of forests. This “born to run” bird has adapted to deal with the extremes of the desert. It secretes a saline solution from a gland in front of its eyes which allows it to use less water than normal excreting through its kidneys and urinary tract. If you see a Greater Roadrunner, it will probably come as a surprise since it takes cover in shrubs and blend in with the terrain and then suddenly it will dart out and take off running at roadrunner speed! | |